Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Started My Blogroll..

I've been meaning to start blogrolling (listing other favorite blogs) on my blog and today I'm glad I did. Blogging is starting to be real fun. I get to know other bloggers, especially other moms and get to share stories about anything 'mom'. I just wish I have more time to write. Sometimes I find myself don't feel like writing at all. It's not because I don't want to, it's just I am lacking concentration and I don't kow exactly how to start writing. Oh well... I hope I get out of this soon.
So the past few days it's just been thinking and organizing events for the moms group. Now trying to come up with ideas for Halloween...Then there's the other business blog I've been busy about...working hard on that one too. So far, so good.
And did you all notice my nice new header design? (Thanks to you, Zoe!) Visit her on my blogroll too!(Chic and Sassy Designs).

1 Comment:

Lindy said...

Thanks for the add to your blogroll : ) I don't think you found your surprise at my place... Check out the post entitled "And They Just Keep Coming..." (It was posted yesterday, but the date isn't showing up in the post header for some reason) Anyway, in the post, an AWARD is waiting for you : )

P.S. Your header looks great!