Tuesday, January 29, 2008


It's a little warm outside today and I've been wanting to do a few errands and visit one of my mommy friends who just had a baby. So this afternoon I will see about leaving my kiddos at one of my friend's house so I can go visit her.

So looks like that's how my afternoon will be like. This morning, I'll do a bit of my online course. It will be nice if I can just finish at least half of one of the modules. I've been a little lazy lately, so hopefully I'll get out of it.

How's your Tuesday? Anything you want to accomplish today?


Mom Knows Everything said...

I'm tagging you with the prettiest mom meme. :o)

**"Liza"** said...

Hi Jo I tag you pala and you also a awards.. ;)
what I accomplish today organizing our closet and my usual routine of nightly cleaning..;)

Juliana said...

Yesterday, just normal day for me :D Nothing special i think.

Kristi said...

We have the opposite here this morning. we had what is being called a blizzard last night. When I turned on the TV to see if school was closed, the new caster said, "Don't bother looking, every school on our list is closed today. So I have my two boys and the nieghbor kids who have school canceled in the house today. I think we will be stir crazy by 3:00.