Wednesday, October 29, 2008

To-Do List

Today is just going to be a "stay home and do my to-do list around the house" day. Sounds fun, isn't it? ;D

I wanted to actually check out this new play gym for kids to take my boys to earlier this morning. It's got all kinds of cool play things in it that I am sure my boys will enjoy. I've never seen indoor wooden swing sets as huge as this one we saw at this new play gym. But it's a little chilly out today and I really, really wanted to finish up working on my to-do list for the week. Gosh, I always wonder if I can even get half of them done. But I guess I just have to keep trying, right?

So how is your Wednesday? Anything special today or have you got a never-ending to-do list you gotta do like I do? :D



very awesome blog some how i found you looking for things on our sons birth defect esophageal atresia. I wish you nothing but the best.

Sandra Carvalho said...

Hey gorgeous! ;)
Hope you had a great weekend.
Mine was ok.Hubby was home we got to spend some family time together.