Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thoughts On Being A Stay-at-Home Mom

So I know a lot of us blogging mamas are stay-at-home moms- just being home and take care of the kids. Personally, since I had my two boys ( three and a half years since my eldest son Gabriel was born) I have just been a stay-at-home mom. I did a couple attempts to go back to work full time but it always failed. The kids get sick and the daycare doesn't take them and I end up missing days at work. I am unfortunately not surrounded by family or close friends to help me out in those times. So I end up quitting the job.

Anyway, I keep getting these emails from a few computer companies here in Virginia for computer positions. I am not a techie or know anything about Javascript or troubleshooting computer or POS system problems so I don't even know why they would be interested in contacting me for a job.

I did get an email from the company I worked for in the past scoring national tests at home. It was great and now I get to do it again in the comfort of my own home. So yayy! for that. :D

I mean, who doesn't need a little income these days? Even when you're just a stay-at-home mom like me.

1 Comment:

I Am Boymom said...

Totally with ya on the work from home thing. Our family doesn't do well with both parents out of the home. We suffer financially, but this is what works, so I look for ways to earn money from home too. I'm trying to get my writing career launched so I can write some kind of Pulitzer Prize winning novel and and pay for my kids' college!