Friday, September 28, 2007

Tackling My Laundry

*Photo Courtesy: alwayscanadian

Being sick for a few days, my laundry has now gone mountain-like in my laundry room floor..ugh! Oh well.. so today I am resolving to do at least 2 loads. Right now, I have one load in the dryer from yesterday, which has yet to be fold up and put away. Nice! :)

What about you? How much load do you do in a week? For me, I have to do at least 3-4 loads. With my 26 month old toddler and seven month old infant, plus a fairly demanding husband, it is hard not to keep up with laundry and not do at least 3-4 loads a week.

I guess how many loads you do in a week all depends on how many people are in your household, don't you all think? :)


Mom Knows Everything said...

I do 2 to 3 loads a day. I have a teen aged daughter and she changes her clothes every time I turn around. My 2 year old is totally boy and her loves to get messy.

Here's the link to the award for you:

Have a great weekend!

Mom Knows Everything said...

I don't know if the link will work. It doesn't look like it's all showing up. The title of the post is "YOU MAKE ME SMILE AWARD" and it was posted on the September 19.

Child Life said...

4-6 loads a week for me : (