Thursday, March 12, 2009

Flew By Fast

Wow, I can't believe this week is almost over. Too much is going on. Anyway, how are you all, my dear friends?

First, let's talk about St. Patrick's Day. I am not Irish, honestly am not an Irish at heart, and have never even been to a St. Patty's party. But this weekend, I've been invited by a new friend at their house. It will be a first St. Patty's party for me. They are of Irish descent by the way. Not that I wouldn't go if they weren't. I mean, not that it matters. Really. I guess I am just a little excited about going to a St Patty's party. :)

Secondly, did you hear about the talks on Facebook privacy and all that mess? I personally have an account there but I am not too active like the rest of the world are. These days, my online presence is a bit limited. My other blog Hip Mama's Place is more of like my priority online project since that is where I make a little bit of income, so to speak. Plus I love all the perks I'm getting- free products that I can really use, Amazon gift certs to buy whatever I want on Amazon, and the chance to do what I love doing- writing in my free time. ;) As for Facebook- privacy-wise, I don't think there's a lot you can do to protect your online privacy. But I do believe you can control what you can and cannot include in your personal profiles on social networks such as Facebook so you don't give out too much information.

And lastly, this week Hip Mama's Place is again swamped with product review requests from so many sponsors. I honestly cannot accept everyone that submits their product, so I have been a bit picky on this. I have since started accepting guest contributors to the blog to keep up with the demands so if you are interested in guest writing for Hip Mama's Place, there's a link to the main page on on how to become a Blog Contributor.

So anyway, I got to go. It is past midnight here and I am finishing up catching up on emails. I know it's terrible. I need my zzzzz's. But I still have to read up a bit on plant nursery as well. So I guess I probably won't be in bed until 1AM. (Sigh).


Petula said...

The party sounds like fun. I hope you enjoy it. I've never been to anything like that before either. Congrats with all the work and sponsorship you're getting. That's very cool.

How's work (your job :D) going?

Sandra Carvalho said...

Congrats and have a blast girl!