Monday, June 29, 2009

Do You Like Jogging?

Lately, I've been looking into start to go jogging again for weight loss and tone my body. I used to jog when I was single but after the kids, it had been a challenge to find the time (or the effort) to do that. Now if I only have one small kid, I probably would be more motivated to do it with those three-wheel strollers, such as the Bob stroller or similar strollers that I've seen many new moms who jog use. Aren't they neat?

But then again, I'm thinking that I could do it after 7PM on weekdays when I'm already off my duties as a mom and could jog around the neighborhood by myself. Jogging is certainly a cheap way to exercise that doesn't require any gym membership, don't you all agree? :D

1 Comment:

readingsully2 said...

No, I am too old to job. LOL